It HAD been ten years since our last show. No one stopped us from playing another one, but what are we supposed to do now?

Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Things Are Hopping

It's been awfully busy here at the Moon Seven Times reunion show blog. We are frantically developing a schedule for times we might be able to catch each other by phone to discuss a possible dinner date for mapping out a plan to decide which songs we should consider relearning in preparation for rehearsals (the number of which are necessary and desirable is yet to be determined by an algorithm being written by a friend of someone's brother) for our reunion performance on Sunday, May 25, 2008.

Next up: voting on which method of divination we should employ to figure out who will do the shopping for age-appropriate yet flashy yet coordinated outfits for the big show.

Monday, 8 October 2007

Where are They Now?

Here's Henry with a guitar. It appears he hasn't changed at all. He's taken Lanterna to Greece and other amazing places, and more recently, he's been to Menard's to buy plants because beauty doesn't end with Europe. He says the garden should be ready for public viewing by December.

In between working all day and every night and playing gigs with Pop Rocks, Leather Pistol, and various other highly entertaining acts, Brendan takes time out to be sweet.

Hey Don Gerard looks happy and stuff too. He's got a lot going on these days and even has to wear ties to work. Maybe he'll wear a tie to the reunion show. Can I please please say that Don is outstanding in his field?

Lynn has joined the circus, but the snacks are good, so she's sticking with it.

P.S. Todd Fletcher, unpictured, has put out some incredible records since 1997. Other than that, little is known about Todd.

Is this the Same Couch as in the Other Photo or Perhaps a Different Couch in the Same House?

Don't we look soft and sweet and young and nice and cuddly and friendly and not at all like people who could be in that house again using that couch? I like what this photo says about us, that we don't smell so bad we can't sit close together on the floor in front of the couch.

Here's a Scene Filled with Danger

I don't know how we survived this photo shoot at Smith Music Hall. Look how easy it would have been to slip and tumble backward over the banister to a gruesome end! Or to have our eyes completely scorched by sunlight, which we had all vowed to avoid as a matter of solidarity with our death metal label and our pre-emo goth reputation. This documentary evidence of extreme risk-taking behavior came from the incredible Kevin Salemme, who was himself brave enough to work with us more than one time.

Don't Tell

I hope no one recognizes this couch or the wallpaper, because even though this was a great shoot in a great location, I'm not sure it was 100% good news for the guy who got us through the front door. Unless I'm totally confused about where we were. This picture got the New York office thinking that I was fat. Why else would I show up wearing a nightgown?

It Was Cold on the Steps, That Much I Know

Here we are. It might have been late 1996, but it might have been early 1997, but I think it was late 1996. We were sitting on some steps, as we often did back in late 1996 or early 1997. The steps were cold. I think these cold steps were attached to the home of the stylist who fancied us up for this shoot with the fabulous Michael Wilson. Michael spent a long cold day photographing us in various windy, forlorn locations throughout scenic Champaign county. The gang in New York seemed to find this quaint.